a powerful Flask web application designed to enhance your storage management.
No Matches
Security Policy

Supported Versions

We strive to keep the latest version of this project secure. Older versions do not receive security updates.

Version Supported
0.2 :white_check_mark:

Reporting a Vulnerability

We appreciate your support in keeping this project secure. If you discover a vulnerability, please follow these steps:

  1. Report the issue privately:
  • Send an email with a detailed description of the vulnerability, steps to reproduce it, and in the best case a possible solutions.
  1. Expect a response
  • I aim to respond to reports within 72 hours.
  • In my response, I will confirm whether we have validated the vulnerability and provide details on how we plan to address it.
  1. Disclosure:
  • I prefer coordinated disclosure. Please allow me at least 90 days to fix the vulnerability before making it public.


This project addresses vulnerabilities in the following areas:

  • Code flaws that could lead to malicious code execution.
  • Communication vulnerabilities (e.g., insecure protocols).

Not covered:

  • General bugs or feature requests (please report these as GitHub Issues).
  • Vulnerabilities in dependencies not directly included in our codebase.
  • Vulnerabilites regarding WLED, please contact the developer Team behind WLED regarding issues with their code.


We recognize security researchers who help us address vulnerabilities. If you report a vulnerability, we will (with your consent) mention you in the project release notes.